
Monday, March 24, 2014


Hey, it's only been about two and a half years since my last post. LOL

What can I say? I was busy. Work, kid, school, life. Not a whole lot of time for much else in there. Especially considering all the BS I had in my life at some points, from an alcoholic, pot-head, prescription pill abusing boyfriend that turned out to be a psycho stalker when I broke it off, to a selfish, immature, cheating boyfriend whom I was dumb enough to get back with a second time, but smart enough not to a third time.

In the midst of all that, I finally bought a house. And I have finally found a boyfriend that met and exceeds my list of standards that have been revised three times in the last four years. This one's a keeper! Oh, and I finished school!!! Wa-hoooo!!!! Now I have more time to do the things I want to do, rather than the things I have to do. I originally had a plan to challenge myself to do one thing from Pinterest daily (yes, I am a Pin-a-holic) for 30 days starting January 1st. Yeah, didn't happen. You know what did happen? Frickin' TV shows. OMG, I have become such a couch potato and I have the weight gain to prove it.

During the time in between the first mistake (the selfish, immature, cheating boyfriend) and the second (same boyfriend), I was so depressed that I ended up losing 69 pounds. Mostly from not eating. I know, I know, terrible way to lose weight. Kills your metabolism and all that. Not that mine had much life in it anyway. And of course, now that I'm happy, I have put back on 47 of it. GRRRR!!!! It's not all from watching TV though. I had stopped drinking soda, stopped any kind of snacking, and stopped eating chocolate/candy. And those are habits that I have picked back up again that need to stop. I tried going cold turkey and made it to just over a week before I broke. Yesterday, I had a soda and two Reese's Eggs (those things are the devil, I tell you). I reasoned with myself that once a week isn't bad. But really? It is. For me anyway. It's a gateway to more and more including more and more excuses as to why it's ok. I think I'm good now though because the soda really wasn't that great anyway. The Reese's on the other hand, always awesome. I wonder if there's some recipe out there for them that I can make - one that's healthier.

Anyway, so I want to get back into blogging. I've read a lot of really good books since I last posted and while I only have two followers at the moment, I want to post about them and get the word out. And hopefully grow my follower list. In the mean time, I plan to try Pinterest things and post about them too. Maybe share a picture if I can figure out how to do that. :)

Until the next time I finish a book or do something Pinteresty, I'm going to post book reviews. And after that, I'm going to Google how to write a review so I don't sound like a moron. :)

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